The Natural Doctors podcast
2 sisters and 2 doctors. Dr Jess is a doctor who worked in the NHS, she is one of the leading natural health experts in the UK, trained in 8 other specialties including functional medicine, Chinese medicine, Western herbalism and homeopathy. Her sister Dr Xandra is a doctor of Chiropractic who runs the largest wellness Chiropractic practice in the North West training over Chiropractors to look beyond pain. Together they will teach you how to find your root causes and give you natural health and wellness advice that works.
Dr Jess' clinic: https://drjess.co.uk/
Dr Xandra's clinic: https://thebackclinic.me/
The Natural Doctors podcast
How your pelvic floor is impacting your health
Drs Jess and Xandra are thrilled to welcome Jana Danielson, pelvic floor expert and founder of Bloom Better Life, to the podcast!
If you struggle with frequent urination, incontinence or pelvic pain, you will definitely want to tune in to this episode. But what if you suffer with erectile dysfunction? Low back pain? Constipation? Prostate issues? TMJ pain? You might be amazed to know that all of these symptoms could be linked too.
Diligently doing your pelvic floor exercises? Frustrated that there's been no change in symptoms? It may be the totally wrong way to go and Jana explains why.
This honest and open conversation is one that a lot of us don't feel comfortable having. We want to change that and Jana is on a mission to bring her Cooch ball to the lives of millions.
You'll never think of your pelvic floor the same way again!